European Movement - Foreign Policy of V4 countries towards WB6 in the time of crisis 2022-2024
- Published: Tuesday, 10 December 2024 16:37

The Balkan Integration Forum has been initiated in Montenegro in 2013, as an inclusive policy dialogue platform designed to bring together a diverse array of professionals from diplomacy, politics, economy, the private and public sectors, NGOs, media, and academia. The goal is to facilitate the exchange of opinions on the situation in Western Balkan countries, focusing on key areas of concern such as geo-political trends in the world, EU and in the WB region and key aspects of EU integrations such as fundamental rightsand freedoms, rule of law, good governance, the fight against corruption and organised crime, and security, while seeking solutions to boost EU integrations.
Promoting political dialogue on the European integration process and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is essential for addressing both historical and contemporary challenges. This approach enhances governance, stimulates economic development, and promotes democratic values, thereby contributing to regional stability and aligning the Western Balkans more closely with European values, bringing them one step closer to EU membership.
The Balkan Integration Forum will consider key aspects such as historical and political context, governance and rule of law, human rights and freedoms, economic development perspectives, and public perceptions and values. By addressing the region's history of ethnic and political tensions, conflicts, and instability, the Forum aims to promote reconciliation among countries with a history of conflicts. This aspect is crucial for addressing historical grievances and fostering stability.
Focusing on issues related to rule of law and governance, the BIF recognises that many WB countries face challenges such as corruption and weak governance institutions. Dialogue will help identify areas needing improvement and facilitate cooperation between governments and civil society.
Creating spaces for promoting democratic principles, human rights, and freedoms is vital. BIF 2024 will explore how Western Balkan countries will strengthen their democratic institutions and enhance governance quality. Moreover, additional attention will be dedicated to use of EU membership perspective as a necessary tool to access to a larger, more prosperous market, which can boost economic growth in the Western Balkans.
Regional stability is always connected to global security environment. BIF 2024 will explore negative impacts of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, as well as potential consequences on the region in the future. In addition, the issues related to how can region contribute to overall stability and how EU and NATO can influence regional security and stability will be in the focus of the BIF 2024.
For the purpose of open, constructive and inclusive dialogue, the Balkan Integration Forum2024 will gather number of distinguished intellectuals, analysts and CSO members, as well as regional, EU and NATO officials and leaders, aiming to facilitate concrete conclusions and recommendations for advancements of the WB to EU membership.
Regional Convention on EU Integration of the Western Balkans
„Together for EU Enlargement - V4 and WB Strengthening Cohesion of EU Integration and Berlin process“
The project is focused at strengthening of cooperation between V4 and Western Balkans countries in the EU Enlargement process and implementation of Berlin process. Project activities are focused on research and analysis that will explicitly summarize and present to expert and general international public achievements and potentials of this cooperation. We believe that exploring of this cooperation will strengthen in general multilateral and bilateral connections between V4 and WB6 countries. In addition, it will strengthen position of V4 in EU regarding advocacy for WB6 and it will also strengthen regional cooperation between WB countries themselves.
As our second focus within this project we have standardization and enhancement of cooperation between civil societies and governments of the WB countries in the process of EU Integration, based on the “Balkan Voice Initiative”.
In previous years we have found that significant differences exist in relations between civil sector and governments in EU Integration in WB countries. This is why in our last project funded by IVF our RCEI also defined a unique document, "Balkan Voice Initiative", which consist common rules that both sides should follow in mutual cooperation. This document was already publicly supported by more number of CSOs and we will offer this year to WB6 highest officials to sign it adopt it, in order serve as a model for comparative research in monitoring cooperation of CSO and public institutions in all WB6 countries.
European Movement in Serbia, EMINS |
Cooperation and Development Institute, CDI Tirana, Albania |
Center for Research and Policy Making, CRPM Skoplje, North Macedonia |
Kosovo Democratic Institute, KDI Prishtina, Kosovo |
Transparency International for BiH, TIBIH Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Research Center of Slovakian Foreign Policy Association, RC SFPA, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Institute for Foreign Relations and Trade, IFAT Budapest, Hungary |
EUROPEUM, Prague, Czech Republic |
Warsaw Institute, Poland |
ThThe project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.e Doproject is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
From 28 to 30 June, the Regional Convention on European Integration of the Western Balkans has been organized by the European Movement in Montenegro. The convention has brought together senior state officials and representatives of the civil society of the Western Balkan countries, including partner organizations from the Visegrad Group. The convention was opened on June 29 by President Milo Djukanovic, and shortly afterwards the guests were also addressed by Kristian Posza, Ambassador of Hungary to Montenegro, in front of the Visegrad Group, as well as the President of the European Movement in Montenegro, Momcilo Radulovic.
In his speech, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic emphasized that nothing will turn away Montenegro from the path of EU integration, adding that "the one who slows down Montenegro will slow down and maybe stop the Europeanization of the Western Balkans." And who leaves the Western Balkans on a non-European track limits the stability, development and competitiveness of Europe as a whole. "
During the first day, several panels were held where the experiences of Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, and Kosovo on their way to EU membership were heard. What most panellists point out is regret over the situation in Albania and Macedonia since they have not yet begun the process of negotiations with the EU, as well as the awareness that the prosperity and stability of the Western Balkan countries depends on their progress towards full membership in the EU. Additionally, on the first day the presentation of the Voice of the Balkans initiative took place, therefore the studies on the integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as the views of the civil sector representatives who focused on the underdeveloped administrative capacities needed for more efficient use of IPA funds, as well as the examination of political problems and the complexity of the political system.
Croatia's Ex-Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor gave a special impetus to attendees, explaining that one should not give up on the way to the EU even when it is the most difficult, pointing out that Croatia is the best example for that, since it has experienced the longest and most difficult EU negotiations so far.
Regarding the 2025 year, which is a forecast in the official EU strategy as the year of Western Balkan countries' integration into the EU, opinions are divided related to the possibility of implementation and the party that carries greater responsibility. In relation to this, European Union Ambassador to Montenegro, Aivo Orav said that whether the 2025th year will be a reality for the countries of the Western Balkans does not depend on the European Union, but on the individual countries and their willingness to implement the reforms, and that nobody can to expect from the EU to force someone to join it. The Western Balkans is a region that records numerous historical and political problems, but panellists - Chairpersons of the Chamber of Commerce, concluded that the solution for regional stability is in the economic cooperation of countries, as well as the cooperation between the chambers of commerce and civil society, which will result in the continuous fostering of the values of the European Union.
During the second day of the convention, concluding claims were raised about the problems and improvements in the EU integration process, the role that the Visegrad 4 has in the process of EU integration of the countries of the Western Balkans. The representatives of the Visegrad 4 have agreed on the necessity of further efforts in order to provide political, economic and institutional support to the countries of the Western Balkans on the way to the EU and pointed out that the word is not about an alternative to the European Union, but an organization that supports the process of EU integration and the EU enlargement in the Western Balkan. Among the participants of the second day of the conference was Igor Lukšić, former Prime Minister of Montenegro. Lukšić emphasized, among other things, that he sympathizes with postponing the start of the negotiations for Macedonia and Albania, and that although the context is disliked by many, we must accept it as reality. The representative of the Croatian Parliament, Vesna Pusić addressed to participants with the following message: "We contribute to the stability of the European Union more than that size and economic strength justify. Cooperation and stabilization of the Western Balkans makes it easier for us to contribute to the stability of Europe.
Further cooperation was agreed on the promotion of European integration of the region, cooperation between civil societies and the governments of the region, as well as cooperation between civil society entities and public institutions of the countries of the Western Balkans and the countries of the Visegrad Group.
This year's regional convention confirmed the inevitability of EU integration as the key to economic and political consolidation of the region. What remains to each of the countries is to improve cooperation between the authorities and the civil sector, greater determination on the EU path and hope for the implementation of the 2025 strategy.
Instead of celebrating freedom and right of all citizens to enjoy the achievements of European unification, today we must defend basic life and social values.
European Movement strongly condemns brutal and cowardly attack on the journalist OliveraLakic. We demand from the police and the prosecutor's office to urgently conduct a full investigation, detection and the most severe punishment of the perpetrators of this serious criminal act. We also invite the Ministry of the Interior Affairs and the National Security Agency to urgently carry out security surveys for other journalists and editors who may potentially be targets of these or similar attacks, thus to provide them with full protection at work and in life.
We all have the right to be dissatisfied with reporting done by media and journalists, but no one has the right to jeopardize their freedom and rights to work and opinion, and especially no one has the right to jeopardize the physical integrity and life of journalists. Such attacks are not only an attack on journalists, but also on the safety and free life of all citizens of Montenegro.
Authorities and ruling structures have the greatest responsibility to protect journalists from such oppressions, because the attack on OliveraLakic is an attack on freedom of speech in Montenegro in general. The right of journalists to work freely and to report in accordance with objective, but also subjective professional and personal standards and beliefs, as long as this reporting gets around within legal frameworks, is one of the basic values which Montenegro should and must share with all contemporary European societies.
We are inviting all political entities, both those who are ruling and those from opposition parties, to condemn this crime and savagery through their statements, and to support the free work of all media and journalists, as well as, with their authority, to defend their right on free reporting, regardless of differences in political perceptions, values, or attitudes toward editorial policies.
European movement in Montenegro
Vasa Raickovica 9, I floor
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Tel/fax:+382 20 268 651