Regional Convention on European Integration 2016 in Budva
- Published: Sunday, 27 November 2016 09:33
The annual Regional Convention on European Integration of the Western Balkans on the topic: „Capacities of the Public and Civil Sector fot the Absorption of the EU funds“ was held in hotel „Avala“ in Budva, Montenegro, organised by European Movement in Montenegro, from 25 to 27 November 2016.
The conference „Capacities of the Public and Civil Sector fot the Absorption of the EU funds“ gathered high officials from Western Balkans countries, such as representatives of CSOs from mentioned countries and also representatives of partnership organisations from Visegrad group.
Momcilo Radulovic, President of European Movement in Montenegro, on 25th November opened the conference. After that, during the first session was presented regional research about absorption of capacities of EU funds by state institutions. Research was presented by Mila Brnovic (European Movement in Montenegro), Ivana Lazarevic (European Movement in Serbia), Mona Xhexhaj (European Movement in Albania), Michal Vit (EUROPEUM Institut for Europan Policy, Czech Republic) and Mareike Meyn (German International Cooperation, Support to European Integration process in Kosovo). Moderator of this panel was Anna Orosz from Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Budapest, Hungary.
On the second working day, on 26th November, in introducing remarks were adressing Momcilo Radulovic, President of European Movement in Montenegro, H.E. Roman Hloben, Ambassador of Republic of Slovakia to Montenegro and H.E. Irena Tatarzynska, Ambassador of Poland to Montenegro.
After introducing speeches, participants were discussing in three sessions, which were related to cooperation of public and civil sector in process of european integration, achievements in areas of absorption EU funds and relevant fields of european integrations.
On the second working day, during Session I named: „Capacities of the public sector for the absorption of EU funds and cooperation with civil sector in the EU integration processes“, panelists were: Ksenija Milenkovic (Acting Director of the Office on European Integration, Government of the Tepublic of Serbia), Eralda Cani ( Deputy Minister of European Integration of Albania), Igor Crnadak (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Tamara Mugosa (Director, MARRI Regional Center, Skopje). Moderator of this panel was Momcilo Radulovic, President of European Movement in Montenegro.
In frame of Session II panelists were speaking on the topic: „EU and the Western Balkans- How to revive Enlargement?“. Participant were adressed by: Ardian Hackaj (Director, Shteti Web, Institute for Cooperation and Development, Tirana, Albania), Andrzej Mojkowski (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland), professor Rastislav Kazansky (Matej Bel University, Republic of Slovakia), Aleksandra Joksimovic (President, Centre for Foreign Policy from Belgrade) and Nenad Koprivica (Director, Centre Democracy and Human Rights, Podgorica, Montenegro). Mila Brnovic, Program Coordinator of European Movement in Montenegro was moderating this session.
At final session „Regional cooperation,, European Integration and Contribution of CSO (How to Strenghten CSO capacities?)“ panelists were: Ana Novakovic (Centre for Development of CSOs, Montenegro), Lejla Ramic Mesihovic (Foreign Policy Initiative, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Aleksandar Kolekeski (Macedonian Center for European Training (MCET), Macedonia) and Vladimir Petronijevic (Grupa 484, Serbia). Tara Tepavac (Researcher, European Movement in Serbia) was moderator of the final session of Regional Convention on European Integration. In frame of this session, Momcilo Radulovic, President of European Movement in Montenegro, presented One Voice Initiative which will be soon published and available for discussion.
This was final event in frame of project „Strenghtening EU approximation processes in Western Balkans“, which was realized by European Movement in Montenegro in cooperation with European Movement in Serbia, European Movement in Albania and Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, with the financial support of International Visegrad Fund.
European Movement in Montenegro launched One Voice initiative which will be a subject of CSOs consultations above Western Balkans region in following months, about what the public will be informed.