Together for EU Enlargement - V4 and WB
- Published: Thursday, 23 May 2019 10:07
Regional Convention on EU Integration of the Western Balkans
„Together for EU Enlargement - V4 and WB Strengthening Cohesion of EU Integration and Berlin process“
The project is focused at strengthening of cooperation between V4 and Western Balkans countries in the EU Enlargement process and implementation of Berlin process. Project activities are focused on research and analysis that will explicitly summarize and present to expert and general international public achievements and potentials of this cooperation. We believe that exploring of this cooperation will strengthen in general multilateral and bilateral connections between V4 and WB6 countries. In addition, it will strengthen position of V4 in EU regarding advocacy for WB6 and it will also strengthen regional cooperation between WB countries themselves.
As our second focus within this project we have standardization and enhancement of cooperation between civil societies and governments of the WB countries in the process of EU Integration, based on the “Balkan Voice Initiative”.
In previous years we have found that significant differences exist in relations between civil sector and governments in EU Integration in WB countries. This is why in our last project funded by IVF our RCEI also defined a unique document, "Balkan Voice Initiative", which consist common rules that both sides should follow in mutual cooperation. This document was already publicly supported by more number of CSOs and we will offer this year to WB6 highest officials to sign it adopt it, in order serve as a model for comparative research in monitoring cooperation of CSO and public institutions in all WB6 countries.
European Movement in Serbia, EMINS |
Cooperation and Development Institute, CDI Tirana, Albania |
Center for Research and Policy Making, CRPM Skoplje, North Macedonia |
Kosovo Democratic Institute, KDI Prishtina, Kosovo |
Transparency International for BiH, TIBIH Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Research Center of Slovakian Foreign Policy Association, RC SFPA, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Institute for Foreign Relations and Trade, IFAT Budapest, Hungary |
EUROPEUM, Prague, Czech Republic |
Warsaw Institute, Poland |
ThThe project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.e Doproject is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.