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European Movement in Montenegro and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung have a pleasure to present you a summary of discussions and debates that were held at the third annual “Balkan Integration Forum 2015“, that was held in Hotel “Maestral” in Budva, in Montenegro, from 20 to 22 November 2015.

This year, the traditional (third) annual gathering of experts and officials from the Western and the European Union was dedicated to several topics that are widely seen as important, actual and crucial for the development of the European and the Euro-Atlantic Integration of the countries of the region in 2016. At four sessions, perspectives and challenges of economic, political and security relations in the EU aspirant-countries of the Western Balkans were discussed.

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European movement in Montenegro

Vasa Raickovica 9, I floor
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

E-mail: office@emim.org

Tel/fax:+382 20 268 651


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