A Mapping and Comparative Assessment of Youth Organizations in the Western Balkans
- Published: Monday, 17 October 2016 14:56
This publication has been produced as part of the joint cooperation of the Cooperation and Development Institute in Albania, European Movement Montenegro and European Movement Novi Sad, supported by the European Fund for the Balkans as part of the project "Enhancing Regional Youth Connectivity".
In order to contribute to a quality and more comprehensive identification of needs and challenges of Youth and participation in public discussions that have taken place until the adoption of the Law on Youth, and afterwards the Strategy,partners in the project conducted a research on the thematic of cooperation between young people and across youth structures, the importance of youth policy and initiatives such as the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office.
Previously said is summarized within the study published. The study summarizes the significant number of data on the legal framework of youth policy and youth structures, cooperation and concrete statistics and recommendations.
As well, one of the results of the research will be a database of youth structures in Montenegro, Serbia and Albania, which we will be shared in the coming period.