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EMIM at the 6th Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans

  • Published: Tuesday, 11 July 2017 13:21

The President of the European Movement in Montenegro today is participating at the 6th Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans, held in Sarajevo and organized by the European Economic and Social Committee. This forum has been organized every two years since 2006. Mr.Radulovic spoke on topic "Freedom of expression and media in WB" and contributed to the creation of the Joint Declaration on Media in WB.

ERMA intership

  • Published: Wednesday, 05 July 2017 09:37

We wish to inform you that the CfA for 17th edition of the European Regional Master's Programme in
Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe Programme (ERMA) is now open. Detailed info are available in attachment and on webpage  www.erma-programme.eu 

EMIM at the Conference "The False News, Propaganda and Geopolitics"

  • Published: Tuesday, 27 June 2017 15:37

The President of the European Movement in Montenegro, Mr. Momcilo Radulovic, today speaks at a conference in Sofia on the topic: Anti-EU / NATO propaganda, the EU perception in the Western Balkans. The False News, Propaganda and Geopolitics Conference is held on June 27, 2017 in Sofia (Bulgaria), organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Sofia Security Forum and the Foundation for Democratic Media.

Mr. Radulovic spoke at the panel on the impact of disinformation on stability and security, that is, on the challenges to the EU and NATO and their future communications, and on how to respond to security concerns that affect them. Beside Mr. Radulovic, representatives of the media, NGOs and international institutions, such as NATO, spoke at the conference, who gave their opinion on this topic. The focus of the event was the following: presentation of media and geopolitics research, the influence of false news and the current situation in the media, the mechanisms for spreading disinformation and potential ways of combating them, the impact of such information on stability and security, as well as challenges for the EU and NATO in the future In terms of communication.

Regional Convention on European Integration 2016 in Budva

  • Published: Sunday, 27 November 2016 09:33

za sajt


The annual Regional Convention on European Integration of the Western Balkans on the topic: „Capacities of the Public and Civil Sector fot the Absorption of the EU funds“ was held in hotel „Avala“ in Budva, Montenegro, organised by European Movement in Montenegro, from 25 to 27 November 2016.
The conference „Capacities of the Public and Civil Sector fot the Absorption of the EU funds“ gathered high officials from Western Balkans countries, such as representatives of CSOs from mentioned countries and also representatives of partnership organisations from Visegrad group.
Momcilo Radulovic, President of European Movement in Montenegro, on 25th November opened the conference. After that, during the first session was presented regional research about absorption of capacities of EU funds by state institutions. Research was presented by Mila Brnovic (European Movement in Montenegro), Ivana Lazarevic (European Movement in Serbia),  Mona Xhexhaj (European Movement in Albania), Michal Vit (EUROPEUM Institut for Europan Policy, Czech Republic) and Mareike Meyn (German International Cooperation, Support to European Integration process in Kosovo). Moderator of this panel was Anna Orosz from Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Budapest, Hungary.
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Presentation in Brussels of the Policy Brief "Influence of Women in the Parliament of Montenegro"

  • Published: Saturday, 12 November 2016 13:32

Mila Brnovic Brisel

In the period from November 7 to November 11, Program Coordinator in the European Movement in Montenegro, Mila Brnovic visited Brussels and, on this occasion, she had the opportunity to present policy brief "Influence of women in the Parliament of Montenegro" which will be published soon in English and Montenegrin language. This study is the result of research that is supported by the German Council on Foreign Relations within the TRAIN program.

The research was presented at the European Parliament, more specifically at the Secretariat for Foreign Affairs and Members of the European Parliament, after which has been held a meeting with the employees of the Directorate for Enlargement of the European Commission, responsible for Montenegro.Also, on this occasion the European Movement had its representative at the round table "EU enlargement policy after Brexit", and a visit to the Council of the European Union's Directorate General for Enlargement, Security, Civil Defense and Foreign Affairs.

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RCEI “Cooperation between State and Civil Sector in the Field of Judiciary and Fundamental Rights”

  • Published: Friday, 27 February 2015 14:04

On Friday, 27 February 2015, organizations gathered in the framework of the project “Regional Convention on European Integration” – European Movement in Montenegro, European Movement in Serbia and European Movement of Albania, in cooperation with Human Rights House, organized a seminar titled “Cooperation between State and Civil Sector in the Field of Judiciary and Fundamental Rights”.

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European movement in Montenegro

Vasa Raickovica 9, I floor
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro

E-mail: office@emim.org

Tel/fax:+382 20 268 651


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